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This Declaration is required to be completed and signed by all staff (whether employed or contracted) attending the training, and from all candidates, to be signed on day 1 before they are allowed to enter the training room, which includes as a minimum that:
• You are free of Covid-19 symptoms at the time of signing, have been free of them for the past 14 days YesNo
• You have not received a positive Covid-19 test result within the past 14 days YesNo
• All members of your household are free of Covid-19 symptoms at the time of signing, have been free of them for the past 14 days, and have not received a positive Covid-19 test result within the past 14 days; YesNo
• You will stop attending training and advise the centre immediately if you develop symptoms of Covid-19 and/or receive a positive Covid-19 test result at any time during the training YesNo
• You will stop attending training and advise the centre immediately if, at any time during the training, any member of your household develops symptoms of Covid-19 and/or receives a positive Covid-19 test result YesNo
• You will stop attending training and advise the centre immediately if, at any time during the training, they are advised that anyone they have been in contact with in the past 14 days has since developed symptoms of Covid-19 and/or received a positive Covid-19 test result YesNo
• You will advise the centre immediately if you develop symptoms of Covid-19 and/or receive a positive Covid-19 test result at any time during the 14 days after training ends YesNo
• You give permission that should you develop symptoms of Covid-19 and/or receive a positive Covid-19 test result during the training or during the 14 days after training ends, all staff and candidates will be advised that a member of the group has developed symptoms YesNo
• You accept that if advised that any member of the group develops symptoms of Covid-19 and/or receives a positive Covid-19 test result during the training, the course will be immediately terminated and you will be advised to follow current government advice (currently to go into self-isolation for the next 14 days) YesNo
• You accept that if you get ill during the training, will not be able to make any claims for compensation from the college or awarding organisation. YesNo
First Name (required)
Middle Name(s) (required)
Last Name (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Your Email (required)
Mobile Number (required)
Next of Kin Name (required)
Relationship to the Kin (required)
Next of Kin Contact Number (required)
7th Floor 252 – 256 Romford Road London E7 9HZ
T: +44 (0) 330 113 8338 E: info@grupotraining.co.uk